meow — Read Stories — Our Smile Project


Holiday Haiku #1: A Bittersweet Relationship

Smells from the kitchen

Fiber-Castell pitt artist pen (black), The Art District purple acrylic paint

Fiber-Castell pitt artist pen (black), The Art District purple acrylic paint


Oh, egg bake how I love thee

Fiber-Castell pitt artist pen (black), The Art District purple acrylic paint

Fiber-Castell pitt artist pen (black), The Art District purple acrylic paint

Yet my thighs despise!

Fiber-Castell pitt artist pen (black), The Art District purple acrylic paintHappy Holidays! Check back tomorrow for the next holiday haiku or subscribe below and I'll send it right to your inbox. Love to you!Mini

Fiber-Castell pitt artist pen (black), The Art District purple acrylic paint

Happy Holidays! Check back tomorrow for the next holiday haiku or subscribe below and I'll send it right to your inbox. 

Love to you!
