Love Notes From A Millenial Man — Our Smile Project

Love Notes From A Millenial Man

Photo credit @ Keith Stewart, NYC '12 


My scarf is becoming more conspicuous. I might try to lower the thermostat to make the office colder. I wish hickeys were more socially acceptable in the adult world

Yes my bebe. I would learn sign language, Morsecode, or smoke signals if they would keep us closer

I look at your beautiful face every time I open my phone and I miss my lover so so much


Teenage Dream is playing in the lab and I dont think I've ever missed anything as much as I miss you right now

It's weird to do shots w/o you

I called you when Bieber came on. I lova and miss you

Walking through bryant park...will you see a movie with me here this summer?

Making you laugh is one of the best feelings I have ever felt.

When everything else makes me want to curl up in a ball, I have you.

I had one of those train rides where i realized (for the millionth time) how lucky I am to have such a gorgeous, badass woman like you

I'll get cranky, you'll get impatient, but we'll find a home


You being truly happy is one of the most gratifying things I've ever witnessed. Especially if I had something to do with it

Your morning voice fills my heart with joy


Our time together felt like an everyday fairytale

Look up "whenever I see your smiling face" by jamestaylor. Its how i feel after skyping ya

Aishwarya Rai must be so sad – she is no longer the most beautiful woman in India

I can't wait to start cooking dinner with you again! It makes me so happy

I miss you too cutie. I am beaming with happiness knowing that we will be together soon!  And such amazing feelings from Christmas with you

 I can't keep saying goodbye to you


I had such a great morning nuzzling up to you. Makes me want to take the late train every day

Love you so so much. It's blowing me away. <wind emoji> <building emoji>

I cherish every day I wake up with you, now more than ever


Looova... Thank you so much for a fantastic celebration dinner last night. I love finding sexy spots with my sexy lova

I'm wearing one of your hair ties as a bracelet because I miss you so much

All I do is count down the days till I'm with you again


Yeah, I’m so happy too. I can't even tell you how amazing it feels to have you stir in your sleep, then cuddle next to me and kind of sigh, then fall back asleep

We have so many adventures ahead of us. Mountains to climb, dragons to slay, treasures to find. It won't be easy, but we can do anything together. I am so lucky to be writing this story with you

I just realized that when you sing loudly and happily, you sound like a young Michael Jackson

Waze me your trip so I can track your arrival. I can barely wait to see you! <wide eyes emoji>


This is a great, important time in our lives

I’m so thankful to you for taking this adventure with me. I know it wasn’t easy for you to make this move

I promise to do everything in my power to make a home for us here so my lova feels comfy

I’ll see you for dinner around 7? Yeah? 

 AUTHOR’S NOTE: To the man who loves romance and technology as much as I do. Forever yours. 8-1-15